NIRO guest lecture by Dr. Elke Beyreuther June 16th 2023: Recent activities in proton flash radiotherapy

Dear colleagues,

NIRO is happy to announce that June 13th, Dr. Elke Beyreuther, HZDR, Dresden, Germany, will give the talk: Recent activities in proton flash radiotherapy. 

Dr. Elke Beyreuther is a scientist at HZDR, Dresden, Germany. Her field of research is basic and translational proton radiobiology and radiation physics. To see more about her research and the experimental proton beam research facilities at the University Proton Therapy Dresden, please see and




Time: Friday, June 16th at 13:00.
Place: Norwegian Radium Hospial, OUH, Strålebygget (building J), ‘’Lille auditorium’’ (J3053).

Light refreshments will be served from 12:45.



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