Årets NOAC-møte 2024

Velkommen til årets NOAC-møte, denne gangen i Oslo onsdag 23.10.24

Sted: Nye Auditoriet, Radiumhospitalet, Oslo

Tidspunkt: kl 10.00-16.30

Påmelding her. Frist for påmelding er 13. oktober.



09.30-10.00    Registration and coffee/light breakfast

10.00-10.05    Welcome by Marianne G. Guren

10.05-11.05    Personalising radiotherapy for anal cancer and innovative clinical trial designs,  

                          David  Sebag-Montefiore (UK)

11.05-11.25    PODIUM-303, Results (from ESMO, Jan Åge Olsen NO) and discussion (all)

11.25-12.00    News from our respective countries:

                          Denmark, Sweden, Norway (approx. 10 min each)

12.00-13.00    Lunch (canteen, Forskningsbygget)

Research and ongoing studies:

13.00-13.10    Towards risk and biology adapted treatment escalation in anal cancer, Anne Vittrup (DK)

13.10-13.20    Best time for evaluating magnetic resonance imaging response in anal squamous cell carcinoma,

                          Bettina Hanekamp (NO)

13.20-13.30    PET/MR imaging biomarkers of radioresistance in anal cancer patients, Tiril Hillestad (NO)

13.30- 13.40   Can we use dose painting for radiotherapy of anal cancer? Ana Maria  Acosta Roa (NO)  

13.40-13.55    Dos-volym simulering med de nya NOAC riktlinjerna, Marcus Johnsson (S)

14.00-14.20    Coffee

14.20-14.30    Sexual Dysfunction and Gynecological Complications in Women After Treatment for

                      Anal Cancer, Johanne Hollands Steffensen (DK)

14.30-14.40    Quality of life among anal cancer patients,  Kathinka Slørdahl (NO)

14.40-14.50    AtomCAT2,  Per Ivar Lønne (NO)

14.50-15.05    Nya data från svenska analcancerregistret, Anders Johnsson (S)

15.05-15.20    Coffee

15.20-15.50    Update on NOAC9 and DACG-II.  Anal Cancer netværk, Karen-Lise Garm Spindler (DK) 

15.50-16.10    Discussion – NOAC collaboration and next meeting

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