Radiation therapists from Oslo University Hospital attend basic course in proton therapy in Aarhus

The proton therapy center at Oslo University Hospital is scheduled to open for use in 2024. In preparations for this, staff that will be involved in proton therapy treatment at OUH attended a basic course in proton therapy, arranged by the Danish Center for Particle Therapy (DCPT) in January 2023. DCPT is a national center located in Aarhus which opened for treatment of patients in 2019, and also serves as a platform for research on particle therapy. The basic course in proton therapy gives a basic theoretical understanding of proton therapy, and includes lectures on physics, dosimetry, quality assurance, radiation biology and biological modeling, dose planning and handling of motion and adaptation. During the course, the participants were also given a tour of the center facilities and were introduced to practical subjects such as equipment and workflow. NIRO funded the travel for six OUH employees. To see more about the opportunities for funding from NIRO and the activities we support, please visit this site.